When we grow up, we... well, grow up! We change as human beings understand and mature, but I believe even the most stubborn have a fickle bit of childishness in us. Perhaps that's why I set up this shop, to relieve us from the wear and tear of everyday life. To relax and slow down before continuing on.
It's like those Pokemon centers you find, you know? In little ways, like reading an old book, or watching a childhood movie can bring back memories that we often keep deep within us. They sprout slowly, as to not disturb us from our mature minds and blossom beautifully.
Well okay, that might just be a little too optimistic. Sometimes, childhood can bring sad memories too. Chased by a dog, a joke thrown too far. Today, someone seemed to have that in mind.
A lady, I'm going to guess in her late-50's entered the shop. She looks like your typical eccentric grandma, with a long brown fur coat, a zebra-printed 2 piece, and funky pink high heels. On top of that, she wore a winter hat. In the summer. Her hands were hidden well under the coat.
She took a seat in the middle of the near-empty cafe and opened her smartphone. Once she realized we don't have wi-fi, she slipped it into her fur coat and took a sweeping glance around the room. Oh. Her eyes stayed on a red matryoshka doll, a gift I got for myself.
My second oldest brother, Athan, came close and whispered harshly in my ear: "Are you going or am I?"
"Me? Since I take orders 24/7?" I scrutinized my eyebrows and cocked my head questioningly at him.
"Oh, right. Ha." I scrutinized my eyebrows and cocked my head questioningly at him, then walked towards the lady, menu in hand. She noticed, quickly averting her gaze from the dolls to look at me.
"Ma'am, here is our menu. Would you like me to wait-" She nodded, so I took a seat next to her. Even while reading the menu, she still stole glances towards the matryoshka doll.
I rose from the table slowly, so as not to startle her, took the dolls gently, placing them inside the big one, and walked back to her. I laid them out from the biggest to the smallest, then took a medium-sized one and cradled it in my hands.
"...These are hand-crafted beautifully, aren't they ma'am?" I questioned softly, almost like I'm talking to a stray cat.
She looked up, a light blush faint on her pale skin. "Yes, they are exquisitely beautiful. Where did you buy them?"
"Ah, I brought it in the flea market next to Paragon Mall. The one with the arched doorway." She nodded. "You know, when I was buying this, the seller told me a short story about it. Would you like to listen to it?" The crinkles on her face shaped into a smile and a nod.
"Long ago, there was a maiden with beauty no other can defy. She was called Equila. Everyone loved and wanted her by their side. Every man in the country traveled just to take a glimpse at her, but they quickly ran away, disappointed. You see, the woman was beautiful, but she had long fingers, longer than what an average human would have, which was like, a super huge turn-off." The lady smiled at the quick change in grammar.
"She was very lonely, as every man the visited her became scared of her long fingers. The same could be said for everyone around her, so she always stayed home, where her parents cared for her. One night, when she was having some girl-talk with her mom, she asked. 'Ma, do you think I'll ever get married?' "
" 'Of course, darling. You are so beautiful. What man wouldn't want you?' Equila shook her head. 'No one wants me, ma. Every man that came to see me runs away.' Mama sighed and placed Equila's hands in hers. 'Equila, listen to me. If a man runs because of your fingers, that man is worthless, but if a man comes, still loving you even with your fingers, he is the one for you. Now come, dry your tears.'"
"Equila waited for that faithful day, and the years passed. She was still beautiful, but she was getting older. Finally, a man did come, but not in the way her ma foretold. Equila was about to sleep when she thought she heard a noise in the kitchen. She crept into the kitchen to find a man, with a knife in hand. Next to him was a dead body. She gasped in fright and the man noticed. In any old folktale, she would've been kidnapped, but not her! Due to her having to stay at home 24/7, she learned things a woman in her time wouldn't, one of them being martial arts. She chopped and sliced that bastard apart!" I cheered, clapping my hands.
"When she did, the man didn't die. Instead, he turned into a talking rabbit. It invited her to join him and leave her place forever to be with him. She refused. The man transformed once again into a God-like creature, with long hair and white cloak. 'I did not expect this to happen. Well done, Equila.' "
'How do you know my name?' The man smiled. 'I know everything in the world, my dear. It would be odd not to remember yours. My offer still stands. Would you-' She shook her head before he could finish. 'How about a wish, then? For a price, of course.' That caught her attention. 'A wish?'
'A wish.' The man repeated. 'Anything you want.' The woman immediately nodded. 'Anything?'
'Then, I wish for my mother to come back alive.' The man frowned. 'What about your fingers? Don't you want them to be short so people like you?' The woman hesitated but ultimately shook her head. 'My mother and father loved me for who I am. If I wished for something else, I will be as low as they are.'
'You truly are something else. Very well.' With a beam of light, her parents came back to life. But as soon as they did, she felt sick. So sick that she couldn't feel anything anymore. Her body became hard and girthy. In exchange for her parents, she turned herself into a matryoshka doll, with her fingers as the little dolls in her."
The look on the lady's face tells me that it wasn't a good story to have before eating. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you lose your appetite ma'am. We can get you an extra serving if you-" The lady burst out crying. I quickly grabbed a pile of tissues and signaled Athan to make a cup of tea.
Still crying, but in a softened tone, she sipped the tea and dabbed her tears. "T-thank you...You see, when I was a child, I had a best friend who loved matryoshka dolls. She'd play with them all day and makeup stories about them. We were 6, so it wasn't good or anything, but I enjoyed it." A sniff.
"Unfortunately, she had an incurable disease, so we would p-play and..." Another sniff and a sob. "have fun in her hospitable bed for most of our friendship. Odd thing was, she matched the woman you told me about. Pale skin, long fingers. I think she was the prettiest thing I've ever seen." A food and bittersweet look washed over her face. "On the day she died, she told me, 'Annie, I want you to have my dolls.' She gave 'em to me. They were red and golden. It was dressed in a Chinese look, hair up in a bun, in a Cheong-sam, with birds. Me being a stupid 20-year-old, I plum forgot about them until a few years ago." The lady took a deep breath, tears rolling down her face. "I miss her."
I hugged the lady tight, a little prickle of tears on the edge of my eyes. "You are more than welcome to sit and chat with us anytime, Miss Annie." I murmured demurely.
"Thank ya. Thank ya. I needed this."
P.S: I told Athan about this and he cried too.
Rubina Regalia
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